It makes sense to me that Cleopatra had a cat–probably had a cattery of them since they at the time were considered sacred. In fact, two feline goddesses were worshipped during Cleopatras time–Mafdet, goddess of protection of dangerous animals and …

It makes sense to me that Cleopatra had a cat–probably had a cattery of them since they at the time were considered sacred. In fact, two feline goddesses were worshipped during Cleopatras time–Mafdet, goddess of protection of dangerous animals and Bastet, the cat goddess of beauty, women and fertility. Pictured in this painting, Cleopatra by John William Waterhouse is Beketaten, the royal cat to Cleopatra. Okay, so I had a little digital art fun and added a cat to the painting. Note the dar…

Framed by the hand of my neighbor Totoro Studio Ghibli Haku silhouette hand cut paper cut out of a black sheet. My Neighbor Totoro Art Studio Ghibli Miyazaki Paper Cut Anime Mei Satsuki Bus Soot Sprite Forest Mind Geek Cada …

Framed by the hand of my neighbor Totoro Studio Ghibli Haku silhouette cut by hand paper cut out of a black sheet. My neighbor Totoro Art Studio Ghibli Miyazaki Paper Cut Anime Mei Satsuki Bus Soot Sprite Forest Spirit Geek gift Ghibli home. Dimensions: 14 x 20 »MES